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Island Hills Station Track - Unlocking the Mystery of QEII Covenants
Let us give you some insight into what this sign stands for and how QEII Covenants safeguard New Zealand’s ecological treasures.

Banks Peninsula's Stony Bay: An Enchanting Hideaway
A quirky and wonderful place awaits you near the half-way point of the Banks Peninsula Track.

The Truth About Sandflies: The Uninvited Guests of Nelson Lakes National Park
Learn everything you need to know about these pesky critters and how to outsmart them on your next adventure

Pioneer Spirit and Uniqueness of the Kaikoura Coastal Track
The Kaikoura Coastal Track offers more than just stunning views. Learn more about its story here.

Rediscover the Fun in Hiking: Try Our Slow Hiking Tours!
Embrace the Joy of Slow Hiking with Us!
Dust off your hiking boots, be brave and come enjoy the outdoors with a group of like-minded women!

Useful tramping equipment - Hiking Poles
Using hiking poles is a great idea – regardless of age or fitness level! Even if you never thought they were for you – there are so many...

Useful tramping equipment – Gaiters
Gaiters – what are they? Not everyone is familiar with these leg coverings for hikers, so fair enough to ask! You might have seen them on...

Early Bird bookings are the way to go!
Great reasons for booking your tour early - some you might not have considered before

Nature knows best - "Fools & Dreamers" regenerate Banks Peninsula's Hinewai Reserve
Outdoor enthusiasts love the natural gem that is the volcanic Banks Peninsula, just a stone’s throw from Christchurch. On the last day,...

Our Hiking Track Grading System explained
Wondering how ‘physical’ your hiking tour will be? Our grading system makes it easy to see! The term ‘hiking tour’ can throw up different...

A natural gem, hidden close to the South Island’s largest city
Banks Peninsula Track -
a walk on the wild side. Walk through farmland and forest, over an extinct volcano, along coasts!

Get fit for your first hiking tour
Hiking is not be a competitive sport, but it makes sense to consider how you can best prepare yourself a few months before.

What you DO and DON'T need for your next hiking tour
This is New Zealand. This means experiencing four seasons in one day. What is the right gear to bring with you to stay dry and comfortable?
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