Have you ever noticed that most tours have set minimum and maximum participant numbers? And do you know what that means?
What's the story about maximum numbers?
Firstly it protects you from surprises. You will not find yourself cycling or hiking (or touring) with a group of 15 or 20 or more if you expected it to be a small group. Because you know the maximum size of the group you will be travelling with at the time of your booking.

So, what about the minimum numbers?
Only when a tour has reached this number of bookings will the tour be guaranteed.
Each tour has fixed- and person-dependent costs, and the fixed costs (transport, fuel, guide payments, accommodation for the guide, etc.) remain the same with two or three or ten participants.
The minimum number is mostly the calculated break-even point; the tour would create a financial loss beneath this number.
The higher the fixed costs involved, the higher the minimum number has to be.
There are reasons why operators (like us) decide from time to time to run tours even below their break-even points. But this is neither possible each time nor long term.
Does it mean you better wait until the minimum numbers have been reached, and the tour can be guaranteed?
What will happen if everyone waits that long? Correct, a guarantee will never be given.
Our recommendation to deal with this in a better way is to book as early as possible. In our experience, this encourages other women to do the same.
We also recommend booking fully refundable flight fares to protect you from financial risks. They are usually only $20-40 more expensive than non-changeable or non-refundable fares.
Rest assured, if we can't guarantee a tour 28 days before the tour start date, you are eligible for a full refund of your payments to us.
That way, everyone wins!
We have much earlier planning certainty, and YOU will know much earlier if your planned holiday can take place, and you also have much more time to look forward to your upcoming adventure.